Ugh this whole trying to find a car seat thing is really stressing me out! I can't find one that I love. I'm going to have to make a decision soon.
Little Avery is growing. Her kicks are now up around my ribs. Mainly my right rib. I think she kicks my gall bladder alot because it's been hurting more. She's become quite active, except when David's around :) She doesn't cooperate when I try to show him her movements.
I've come to the conclusion that I wish I was raising Avery back in the 50's, heck maybe even earlier. I've been reading this book that talks about discipline and the lack thereof these days. And how basically society is bombarding families and destroying them rather than supporting them like they used to. It's going to be so hard to raise a child with so many horrible influences in this world.
I've mentioned before that raising a respectful, well-behaved child is a priority of mine. I've spent so many years in daycare and seen too many things! It's very important to me and David both. I read this quote in the book and I agree with it whole heartedly:
"My husband and I have been amazed again and again by the fearfulness of parents to take a stand--even with their small children. They don't seem to grasp the idea that God has put them in charge for a very good reason, and it is He who will hold them accountable. If parents were to instill the concept of proper, God-honoring authority in their children from the start, it would be far easier to enforce when the preteen years arrive."
The bible says we are supposed to train up our children in the way they should go. If David and I don't train our children...someone else will. I don't want that.
I know that it's all easier said than done but I believe it can be done. I've seen it done. I know that in the end, it's my children who decide who they will be as adults but I hope that I point them in the direction that will lead to happiness and success.
I've been reading up alot on the art of homemaking and trying to think not only of my children but the future that I may be molding for multiple generations. Homemaking doesn't exactly come natural to me but with practice, it will some day. I've been learning about the many aspects of homemaking and I hope to master these so that I can teach my daughter(s). I want them to be Proverbs 31 women. Women who are not idle, whose children and husband praise her. She does her husband good all the days of her life. Ok, being a Proverbs 31 woman is always a work in progress, at least for me anyways!
Most of all, I hope I raise this little girl to love the Lord. The rest should fall into place :)
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