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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Alpine Loop

David and I got up on Monday and decided to take a mini road trip. We went on the Alpine Loop which starts out in Highland. You go through the American Fork Canyon and end up over by Provo. I think it's just a 20 mile loop.

During the drive David gets achey and tired. I had to drive home. When we got home he and Avery napped for a long time. He had a fever Monday night but when he got up for work on Tuesday he said he felt better. When he got home yesterday he told me he was still kind of achey and that his throat had been killing him. We went to the chiropractor and out to dinner and after, I told him to let me see his throat. Barf. It was covered in spots. So he went to the walk in clinic.  He said the doctor was like "yes, it definitely looks like you have strep" and did a swab but it came back clear. The doctor noticed some spots that kind of looked like zits that David had just been telling me were weird because they weren't zits. The doctor said it was probably some virus. Threw a prescription at him, told him it would probably clear up and sent him on his way. David came home mad. I told him to go back up there and ask to see another doctor. David also didn't tell the guy that he had these blister looking things on his hands.

So David goes back up there and in the mean time, I'm remembering that Avery had this rash around her mouth last week. She ran a fever on Wednesday and was pretty miserable that afternoon/evening and then Thursday I think it was, this red rash popped up around her mouth. I had pointed out to David that it wasn't the normal rash she gets sometimes. It was really red and almost looked like sores. At one point I thought she had a sore on her tongue but I couldn't tell. She also had a few blistery looking things on her hands...maybe it was only one hand, I can't remember. I had thought maybe she had hand foot and mouth disease but she never got anything on her feet. She did have sores on her butt that looked like what was on her mouth but I thought it was from something she had eaten that was irritating as it came out.

While David was at the doctor I started googling images of hand foot and mouth disease and it looks just like what Avery had around her mouth. When I read on it, the said it can cause sores on the butt too. David came home with no new info. I showed him the pictures and everything he has, looks like the pictures. Avery's is all cleared up. So I'm about 99% positive that she had it and gave it to him.


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