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Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th!

So far I haven't got any pictures from the weekend. It's not over yet though! Some of our plans haven't worked out the way we wanted but that's ok. Saturday morning we got up and met our friends from Salt Lake here in Logan and went to the Farmer's Market. We got some goodies and ate some good food. That night we went to the cruise in. Each year here in Logan they have a car show Thurs-Sat I think and then Saturday night the cars cruise Main St. So everyone lines up along the road like a parade and watch all the cool cars go by. We thought a couple of our friends were going to come with us but they didn't so it was just David, me and Avery.

Sunday we went to church and were supposed to go to a BBQ afterwards but that didn't work out. We were supposed to go 4 wheeling and before we left David went to weld something and apparently bent over just right and pinched a nerve in his back. We saw this coming but it's a bummer it happened before 4 wheeling so we didn't get to go :(

We came home and watched some movies. Today we're supposed to go to Bear Lake. Hopefully that happens. I don't know how David's feeling since he's not up yet.

I'm very thankful that we are fortunate enough to live in the USA. God bless America!

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