The last 2 days Avery has slept all night until 5:45. This morning she slept until after 8. She seems to be feeling fine so I'm guessing it's a growth spurt.
I love my girl.
"Mom, get the camera out of my face."
"I'm so happy I'm 9 months old today! I got a cute new pair of shoes to celebrate!"
I'm so thankful we have such a wonderful little girl :)
Mom! I'm awake! Come get me!
Grilling some chicken and patiently waiting. What a good girl.
I don't know why blogger is stupid and won't let me align my text anymore. Just another thing to annoy the crap out of me lately.
I'm not sure why I can't get any videos to upload. I have tried to even send them as an email and it won't work that way either.
I have nothing else happy or informative to say. I'm gonna go drink some vanilla biscotti coffee. Maybe that will take all my cares away...:)
Avery's been enjoying grandpa :)
My dad made us some homemade butter the other night. That was pretty cool. I melted some and put it on my popcorn last night--yum yum! We'll have to make some more and experiment with some different flavors!
Well, I've been trying to get Avery to take a nap so she won't be tired later but it's not working :( I better lay her down...again.
Avery got some new princess PJs. I took video of her walking around the table but of course I can't get it to load on youtube. I tried onetruemedia too but can't get it to upload there. Maybe it's my internet that isn't letting me upload.
She was super ornery last night. I went to pick up some pizza and had just put her down and of course she was back up when I got home. She has shortened all of her naps and maybe it's because David was the one putting her down that she wouldn't go to sleep. I don't know.
I will keep trying to get the video up. Stupid youtube.
I am DYING to get Avery's pictures back. It's such torture waiting.
I participated in a book exchange and I'm curious to see if Avery gets any books. I hope she does.
I have been reading some stuff about Bill Gates and Planned Parenthood and some of his views. Pretty interesting. I'd like to learn more about some of his views but if I do I'm pretty sure I'll think he's the devil.
David and I got our picture taken this weekend and wow is all I can say. I've been thinking alot about health and saw this challenge of eating whole foods for 100 days. You can't eat anything processed or out of a box unless it has less than 5 ingredients. The challenge makes it easy for you by supplying menus and grocery lists and other tips. I've just been really freaking out about all the extra crap that's in our food. I think it would be VERY challenging. I also want to start buying local meats from farms around here. I think it would be so cool. I'm going to need a farm :)