Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


David and I started eating healthy yesterday. We decided to get rid of the fat and to get healthy in general. Man, my stomach is stretched out. We went to 6 small meals and let me tell you...I was starving yesterday. And if I was starving, poor David must have been dying! Today is better though. I haven't been near as hungry. I feel better too in just one day...not as bloated. Pretty soon I'm going to look like those pictures I posted! And the H-O-T guy that I married will come back too! I'm really excited about the changes that are going to take place this year, health wise and in other ways too.

I wish I could speed up time and get out to Idaho now. I wish someone else would come pack my house! We're going to be doing alot of traveling in the next 2 months. We're going to Cincinnati to a tradeshow for our tool and then we'll come back and it's off to Idaho (as long as we can rent out our house). I'm ready for a change of scenery, literally and figuratively.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I am so glad I am not the only hungry one. I want to lose around 25lbs this year and keep it off. So I am fighting the hunger also, and indulging on second helpings of the gym. At least David is doing it with you, Austin eats all he wants and it will never effect him. So would you get up here quick so we can enjoy our hunger together :>