Monday, February 28, 2011
3rd Post of the Day
Dr. said she's done awesome not getting sick all winter! Good job anitibodies :)
Took her to the doc and she was perfectly chatty and pleasant. She's acting her normal self tonight. Thank goodness.
Oh and she's 16 lbs.
A Little Off
I want my happy girl back. She hasn't been crying, just kind of not as content I can tell. She's also been grunting like crazy. She gave up "talking" for screaming and screaming for grunting. She's not content any where you leave her but holding her doesn't always help either.
She NEVER cries in the middle of the night. Ever. She didn't last night but when she did wake up she was definitely making not normal noises. She was up at 12 something and 3 something and we finally got up at 6 something.
I hope it's not an ear infection.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Rollin' Over
I love her!!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
What is Happening to Me???
Here's a video that says perfectly all the reasons why homeschooling is more and more appealing to me.
Excuse her cheesiness :0)
I've been looking into local chiropractors. I knew that they can treat things like ear infections and a friend reminded me about it last night. So, the next time around I think I'm going to go that route. Better that than antibiotics!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Crazy Hair
Happy Hump Day!
She's just so precious!
I'm ready for spring. I'm ready for some fun. I need to take some pictures!!! But of course there's a bad storm supposedly coming in tomorrow with the worst being on Friday. Bummer.
Well not much going on. I'm already looking forward to Christmas since Avery will be a year old and can open presents. She'll probably be more entertained by wrapping paper though :0)
I also recently signed a petition to stop Title 10 funding to Planned Parenthood and so I'm pretty happy about that. Planned Parenthood gets about 1/3 of their funding from Title 10 which the government has designated this account for fammily planning. Planned Parenthood released their numbers recently and they provided 350,000+ abortions last year, approx 7,000 prenatal care visits and only 900 adoption referrals. I think the numbers show they are in the abortion business. They started making phone calls and I've seen it on facebook; their attempts to keep their funding. They've been trying to get people to sign a petition so they can keep their funding. Claiming people will lose access to cancer screenings, testing, prenatal care, etc. They never mention anything about abortions though. It disgusts me.
I'd like to know how a person can go to work and pull babies apart in the womb or stab them in the back of the head and suck out their brains, and then go home at night and live a normal life. Someday they're going to stand before God and be held accountable for that.
Well, that's my 2 cents.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Baby Fever
Monday, February 21, 2011
Hmm, some newerish things Avery's doing that I may or may not have mentioned (forgive me if I have). She now grabs for things. She doesn't usually hold on for long though. She will always drop it but it's funny because she can't always get all of her fingers to let go.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
She moved herself!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
New Videos
Thrush *sigh*
Looks like I (and Avery) have thrush. Going today to get some stuff to get rid of it so I don't have to go to the doc. I spoke to a La Leche League lady last night who gave me some alternatives. Aww, my baby girl is rubbing her eyes (she's just starting to do that more). Anyways, thank goodness my pump works now because it kills to feed her. I think tonight I'll attend a La Leche League meeting tonight so I can meet some people hopefully.
I'm so ready for Spring.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
It's Gonna Be Soon...
I don't want her to get any bigger because she is the perfect size to sit perfectly in my lap.
The bishop of my neighborhood's ward came over last night and introduced himself. He told us that the neighborhood gets pretty lively in the summer and there's a summer BBQ and something else he said but I forgot what it was. I was telling David there's a ton of kids in our neighborhood that are in hiding in the evenings. So I'm guessing there's a lot of younger families in the neighborhood...or maybe just a few families with a lot of kids...which could definitely be the case too :0)
We went for a walk yesterday and I think Avery liked it. She sat up and could see everything.
I love that girl.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Early Mornings
Yesterday we went to the dentist and she did sooooo good. Didn't fuss one time. Everyone there was impressed since she had to sit through David and my appointment. Then we went to Chili's and she was so cute, she fell asleep sitting straight up on my lap. Oh my gosh, days like yesterday make my heart swell with love so much that I can't believe it. When she acts especially good or sweet I love her more haha.
It was also interesting to find out that one of the girls at the dentist office (who I knew was due Nov 2 like me) named her baby girl Avery too. She was also born a little early. The girl actually wasn't there but the hygienist I had thought she was born either the 29th or 30th.
Well, I've got to finish my coffee and get in the shower and get us up and around. Today I've got to teach the first 6 verses of Ephesians chapter 3 in Bible study and must get last minute preparations done for bunco this tomorrow. It's gonna be a busy day :0)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
I Should Be Sleeping Now...
Avery was grumpy last night so I was hoping she'd sleep better but she was still up quite a bit. Like I said, the good thing is that she doesn't cry at night. Her squirming around is what keeps me up.
David and I both have dentist appointments today. fun fun. Can't believe it's already been 6 months. Time is going so fast lately.
Avery is so cute. It's so funny when she's upset but not really crying--just whining and you make her laugh but she's trying to be upset and she doesn't know if she should laugh or cry. Oh it makes me laugh.
The other day I bought her some clothes and one of the outifts is 6-9 months and she can fit in it. The clothes run a little small but gosh!
She also took a bottle from me yesterday. I want her to take a bottle so I can leave her with David or other people. I only want her to have it when I'm away from her though. I'm glad that we didn't have any issues. It was only one time though, hopefully she'll do good next time.
David will be getting some overtime at work which is extremely good for us right now.
That's all that's happening here now. I'm out.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Sleep Goeth Away
I got her the little rattles that attach to her wrist...she could care less about them!
Ok, these bottom two are pretty much the same picture. Oh well. When I put this play thing over her, she usually sticks both hands up and holds onto it with both hands. It's funny but I don't know why.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Lazy Sundays are Great!
She jabbers in the car now too. And her little toy she got for Christmas goes everwhere with us now.
She also likes this little book called How Do I Love You? She'll sit and look at the pages the whole time you read to her. The other books, she gets a little distracted but not with this one. It's so cute.
Look at this face. Cannot get a good shot!
Here's Avery and David before church this morning.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Yay for Friday!
She brings me so much happiness. I love the sound of her voice. Now she talks while she's in the car and I love love love to hear it! She's started laughing this week too. It's not all the time but it's so cute.
This second picture is funny! I love so many things about her! She's such a good sleeper. I love how when she's tired, I can put her in her bed when she's tired and she'll either go right to sleep or she'll lay there and talk and then fall asleep. I hope she's always this easy to put down!
I know I'm partial but she's the cutest baby I've ever seen. Admit it, you know it's true :0)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Good Day!
We went by the county because we came into Preston to take our friend to radiation and I got there too early so we stopped by the county.
I was really great to take our friend and spend time with her. She loves Avery to death and I can tell Avery brings her happiness.
Avery is so chatty today. She's turned into such a good baby. Love her!
Well, I'm making tilapia tonight--hope it turns out good!!
No news around here as you can see. Can't wait to get dinner over with so we can go shopping!!