These pictures are all out of order. Last night David came home and asked if we were ready to get out of the house. We were. David's been taking my car to work all week since he got rid of his truck. Which means: Avery and I are stuck at home.
We went to Sugar House Park right by our house. It looks like Avery's running from the geese but she's not. They were wanting some bread. We didn't stay there long because the ground was mush from the mud/poop and it was really gross and I didn't want Avery to fall in poop. So we went to the playground.
My precious girl taking her nap.
She loves popcorn. Love might be an understatement. She also looooves raisins. This is also her new face she makes when I get the camera out.
Yum! Stove top popcorn! The best!
Face full of popcorn. I don't know what I was doing...
She was just laughing and laughing on the swing. It got cold in the 10 minutes it took for us to leave the house, see the geese and get to the playground so she didn't get to swing long :(
She has stopped eating pasta. She must not be my child. I could live on pasta alone. I know at this age their eating gets all crazy. I know Avery's done better with eating than some kiddos I know of. She has stopped eating as much but she's eating so that's good.
I love having a little kid in the house. I love finding her stuff in odd places. It's like she's making her presence known. Although, you can walk in the living room or her room and know she's been there!
I'm happy it's Friday and I can't wait for nap time to read my new book. I adore the Amish life and love to read Amish fiction books. Just got a new one last night and I want to finish it! I want to be Amish sometimes. I would love to live near them. Maybe someday.
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