Austin begins telling us about the mountain lions and how horrible they are. They're scary. He's telling us how he would never go out into these parts without a knife, gun and anything else that could help to kill a territorial, hungry mountain lion. And wolves...oh man. Of course David is like "let's go camp at the top of that peak!" And I'm like "I'm not camping unless I'm in an RV surrounded by an electrical fence." I'm not kidding. I don't plan on being anyone's dinner. But we did see 2 moose while we were there. I'll show those pictures later too.
For now I have other pictures to show you.
The pictures of the river are from Austin's parent's backyard. Crazy huh?
I love the picture of the mountain covered in clouds. And on David's shirt are HUGE snowflakes. Anyway, there's still more to come!
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