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Thursday, October 21, 2010


Thank goodness for blogs so I can write stuff down so I don't forget! Because I WILL forget.

I think my body is preparing. Well, I guess it has been for the last 9 months but the last few nights I feel something. It's different but it's only been once early in the morning and now the past few evenings. It's really exciting. I know that there's only 12 days until my due date and most first time moms go 10 days over but I'm hoping I don't. If I do, that's ok but I'm really anxious to meet my daughter!!!

Last night in birth class (it was our last one, yay!) we had to do a "birth rehearsal" I guess you could call it. We practiced relaxation and different positions. She had us do our belly lift technique which supposedly is very effective in jump starting labor. So David did it lightly...didn't want to go into labor during class! But by the end of class I was hurting pretty good. But here I am with no child in my arms...:0)

Alot of moms on my birth board are doing everything they can to get their babies to come early. I don't want to do that. I want Avery to come when she is good and ready. I'm probably only feeling that way because I'm not miserable! (knock on wood) I have been drinking (some) a tea called "Get Maternal" and it has red raspberry leaf in it which is supposed to help tone the uterus and get it ready for birth. But mainly, the warmth of it helps to relax my top uterus muscles that always seem to be cramped up. Feels good.

I just can't believe how close I am. In a few short weeks, we're going to have a baby. A baby! Still can't get over it!!

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